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Best Of Backyard Wrestling 2, The: More Hardcore Than Ever Before (2001)
Starring: Tylene Buck
Category: Special Interest, Sports, Special Interest
Studio: Ventura
60 mins



Outrageous Content! Viewer Discretion Advised!

We're Back! Secret underground fight clubs are performing death-defying, no-holds barred matches all across the country, and we have it all caught on tape! This is the most controversial video series in America! It's The Best Of Backyard Wrestling 2: More Hardcore Than Ever Before! Your eyes will pop out of your head as you witness this unbelievable, underground footage that's Crazier, Hotter, More Extreme, More Death-Defying, More Hardcore Than Ever Before! "Fire! Blood! Sex! No wonder The Best Of Backyard Wrestling has been banned from television!" -M. Tooley, Glen Carbon, IL. These shocking images will be permanently embedded in your mind forever! "Sensational!" -BBC-TV. Bloody barbed-wire brawls! Shattering light-tube Deathmatches! Human torch fights! 25-foot balcony jumps! "Breath-taking!" -Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. And if that's not enough, wait until you see our UNCENSORED behind-the-scenes footage of the official Backyard Babes - Ashley, Erica, and pro wrestling's sexiest supermodel Tylene Buck busting-out behind-the-scenes! All this plus much, MUCH more! You won't believe your eyes! We guarantee it!