War Had Its Own Rules.He Broke Every One Of Them.

As war sweeps through the South, plantations are burned and lives are destroyed.Yankee troops, led by renegade Col. Evans (Miles O'Keefe) take possession of the Marley plantation.They hold hostage two beautiful sisters, Angela and Olivia.The bullets of war fly and the sparks of love unite as Col. Evans falls into a deadly encounter with the two sisters.

Directed by Donald Farmer, whose films Compelling Evidence starring Brigitte Nielson and Vicious Kiss starring Margaux Hemingway have enjoyed strong international success. Blood And Honor was filmed on location throughout Georgia and Tennessee in the actual plantations and battlefields of the Civil War era.
Screen Standard1.33:1
Subtitles None
Audio ENGLISH:DolbyDigitalStereo
Rating NR
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